The Northville Rotary will sponsor an Honors Lunch for all for all former service members from the Northville and Edinburg areas on November 13, at the Sport Island Pub at 12:00 P.M. Former members of the U.S. Army, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard and their reserves will be thanked and honored on Nov. 13, 2022 at the Sport Island …
Four Northville Seniors Receive Scholarship Awards
Rotary has long believed in advancing educational opportunities. Over the years, Northville Rotarians have been giving monetary awards of varying amounts to Northville Central School seniors. This year, four graduating seniors, Makayla LaPort, Ryann Morgan, Emma Peck, and Sophia Reidell were awarded checks for $1, 000 each to help with college expenses. Applications were made and reviewed by the Northville …
Shelterbox for Turkey & Syria

The Northville Rotary has worked for many years with Shelterbox USA. Shelterbox is an awesome organization that provides emergency shelter to communities in emergency situations, such as a natural disaster or conflict. Each Shelterbox is a self-contained package with all of the essentials that a family would need in order to start rebuilding their lives after a disaster. The box …
Santa Gets a Little Help From the Northville Rotary

The Northville Rotary Club has been busy this holiday season! The Rotarians have pitched in to help make Christmas a little extra special for 8 local families. Toys, clothes, and gift cards were all piled into a Suburu sleigh to be delivered to kids from the Northville & Edinburg school districts. Each year our impact grows and grows.
Rotary Supports the NCS Outdoor Education Field Station

At our September 1 st Rotary meeting, Jamie Dickinson, Northville science teacher, was our guest speaker and described an Outdoor Education Project she is attempting to develop. She is looking to build a Field Station at the beach for her Environmental Science Course students who would be able to inventory fish, test water quality, assess the health of the Sacandaga. …
Smoke Alarms for Seniors

Local seniors will now have the opportunity to receive a new smoke & carbon monoxide detector installed in their home. The Northville Rotary has teamed up with the Northville Fire Department to initiate this new pilot program for seniors. The Northville Rotary Foundation has purchased new, high-quality combination smoke & carbon monoxide detectors to donate to seniors in the Northville …
Brennan Humane Society Donation Drive

This past week Northville Rotarians rallied together to gather donations for the Brennan Humane Society, in Gloversville. The animal shelter recently took in dozens of dogs that had been seized and were in desperate need of care. The shelter had asked for donations of dog food, clean towels & blankets, garbage bags, cleaning supplies, and laundry detergent. The Northville Rotary …
Artist Spotlight – Neil Pederson

Artist Neil Pedersen, aka SteelnWood, creates one of a kind objects from wood and scrap metal. Woodturning for over 50 years as a hobby eventually became a business. Neil grew up in Scotia, NY and bought his first woodworking machine around the age of 12. He taught himself woodturning on a 1953 Shopsmith, with many successful pieces (and a few failures). …
Artist Spotlight – Diane Castle Babcock

The Northville Rotary is thrilled to welcome Diane Castle Babcock as one of our featured artists for the 2022 Woodworking & Fine Arts Weekend. Babcock is an award-winning printmaker, specialising in linoleum block print landscapes inspired by the Adirondacks. Babcock uses traditional printing techniques to create striking scenes, with organic shapes and bold, contrasting colors. “My process is called reduction …
Coat & Boot Drive!

As the weather has gotten colder our Social Services Committee, chaired by Joan Graham, organized a coat and boot drive for local students at Northville and Edinburg schools. Brand new coats and boots were purchased and delivered. Fifteen students will be warmer and drier this winter as a result of Rotary. Want to learn more about making a difference in …