At our September 1 st Rotary meeting, Jamie Dickinson, Northville science teacher, was our guest speaker and described an Outdoor Education Project she is attempting to develop. She is looking to build a Field Station at the beach for her Environmental Science Course
students who would be able to inventory fish, test water quality, assess the health of the Sacandaga. The activities would involve grades 4-12. It has already been approved by the Village and Town Boards as well as the HRBRRD.
Rotarians attended the Board meeting when the details of the project were reviewed. In addition to the funds approved by the Board, the Northville Rotarians voted to provide $5,000 toward the project. The fund will be used to build a shed at the lake to store supplies for field studies. Dr. Sarah Chauncey, Northville Central School Superintendent, and Jamie Dickinson were presented a check at our October 27 th meeting. We are excited to follow the progress of this ambitious and educational project that will benefit the community.